| Unfiled tax returns | Tax compliance with Canada Revenue Agency | 416-626-2727

2016-02-28 2 | Unfiled tax returns | Tax compliance with Canada Revenue Agency | 416-626-2727

Hi I am Ashim Bhowmik a Chartered Professional Accountant with over 15 years of experience in the tax profession .
Today I want to talk about unfiled tax returns and taxes owing to Canada revenue agency.
In order to file your personal tax returns we need all your slips and related documents such as T slips, capital gain, child care, RRSP, child fitness, art receipts etc. if any.
In case of non availability of your slips or documents we will do the necessary steps to obtain your missing information. It is very important to ensure that the return is completed as accurately as possible.

Once we get your approval to work on your file, it will greatly reduce your stress and enable you to sleep at night.
We will then work on your behalf with CRA. If CRA has issued notional assessments we will file any necessary notices of objection and prepare the necessary returns.
We have numerous case instances where CRA assessed tax payer arbitrarily, owing thousands of dollars which resulted in freezing bank accounts and wages subject to garnishment.
We have the expertise to accurately prepare tax returns by considering all related deductions, tax credits and income splitting to minimise your tax as much as possible within the tax act.
If there are amounts owing to CRA after the preparation of the tax return we can negotiate a payment plan, unfreeze the bank account and lift off wage garnishment.

I have helped hundreds of clients in similar cases and are here to help you. Call today and sleep well tonight. Phone me at 416-626-2727 xt. 22, alternatively you may visit Thank You